IASCO Flight Training operates from the Redding Municipal Airport (KRDD). This Class D airport with an operating control tower and two runways is ideal for our training operations. The airport is well-managed and maintained and the primary runway used is 7,003 foot, precision approach here for more information about KRDD
The airspace surrounding Redding Municipal Airport is primarily Class E, with a number of small airports nearby. This easily accommodates the range of VFR and IFR operations that are included in the training syllabus.
Our location in northern California brings us more than 320 days of VFR weather and a microclimate conducive to flight training. We have abundant sunshine, little to no fog, and mild winters.

The IFT fleet includes 37 aircraft and 5 flight training devices (FTD). Aircraft maintenance is performed by IFT’s maintenance department using a 50-hour phase inspection program and engine overhauls are performed to TBO based on manufacturer specifications.
IFT has a fleet of 26 Cessna Skyhawks (172R), 2 Tecnam (P2006T)
Cessna Skyhawk (C172R)
The Cessna aircraft are fuel-injected, all 1997 or newer production models and have standardized instrument panels. The Cessnas are used in the Private Pilot and Instrument/Commercial Flight courses.
Tecnam (P2006T)
The Tecnam (P2006T) aircraft is incredible stabile in all multi training scenarios, and is equipped with sturdy link retractable landing gear.
IASCO Flight Training operates five Flight Training Devices at its ground campus location. These meet the requirements for a flight training device as listed in 14 CFR §141.41(b) and are certificated as Level 5 FTDs. Four of the FTDs are set up as Cessna C172 and Multi-Engine aircraft; one is configured as a King Air C-90.
The student training syllabus integrates lessons in the FTDs along with lessons in aircraft. The FTDs allow students the opportunity to practice and reinforce procedures before they perform them in the aircraft, making them a very effective training tool. Instructors are able to control flight conditions and parameters using an instructor control console.
Our Flight School Campus is located in a 3,000 square-foot building at the Redding Municipal Airport (KRDD). The dispatch area on the second floor is the central location for all flight operations. Students and instructors come to Dispatch to check in at the beginning and completion of their flight lessons. The area also has briefing cubes for conducting pre- and post-flight briefings and stage check oral exams.
Adjacent to the Dispatch area is an instructor break room, furnished with lockers, couches, chairs, tables, microwave oven, and computers so instructors can relax or prepare for their next lesson.
Students have a large planning area at the flight campus where they can get weather briefings and prepare for their lessons.
The Ground School Campus is housed in a building just down the street from the Flight Campus. The facility has four classrooms and two meeting rooms that are used to conduct ground school classes and other student and instructor training activities.
The classrooms are designed to actively engage students in learning by using an in-facing desk configuration and dry-erase boards on every wall. In addition to attending ground school classes, students can also study or prepare for lessons in a large, open-seating area equipped with tables and chairs.
The five flight training devices (FTD) are housed at the ground campus. Cubicles are available nearby for instructors and students to use for pre- and post-flight briefings.
IASCO Flight Training has an FAA Testing Center in the ground campus building for students to take their FAA knowledge tests.
IASCO Flight Training’s administrative offices are in the ground campus building, along with a large break room. Hot lunches are available to students, staff and instructors.